1717 Webster

Petersen Studio collaborated with SCB Architects on 1717 Webster Residential Tower in downtown Oakland. The project includes a 10,000 SF podium Amenity Deck and a 6,000 SF Roof Terrace.

The Amenity Deck’s informal garden planters reflect the subtle angular geometries of the tower and create dynamic landscape spaces that invite outdoor fitness, dining, working, lounging, socializing, and grilling. Movable furnishings complement built-in perimeter seating to create flexible programmable spaces. Dimmable catenary lights and a linear wall fire create a warm and inviting nighttime ambiance.

At 240 feet high, the Roof Terrace offers spectacular views in every direction, and the unique experience of swimming, lounging, and socializing on top of the city. The swimming pool and interior lounge spaces become an iconic contiguous indoor/ outdoor space with large operable glass walls and a warm wood ceiling that extends outdoors as shade structure. The infinity pool is the physical and visual center of the space, capturing reflections of the sky and surrounding towers. Colorful tile-framed wall fires evoking downtown Oakland’s iconic tile-clad buildings transform the building core into a hearth that takes the edge off cool Bay Area evenings.

Location: Oakland, CA

Type: High-Rise Residential

Scope: Streetscape, Podium Amenity Deck, and Roof Terrace

Size: 365,469 GSF

Residential Units: 247

Completion: 2021

Client: Holland Partner Group

Architect: Solomon Cordwell Buenz

Project Photography: Steven J. Magner


Harbor Park


The Infinity